Jade Duvall
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer


Welcome Everyone!

If you're seeking to improve your overall health and strength and happen to be located in the Cleveland area, you've arrived at the perfect destination.

I am Jade DuVall, a highly qualified fitness professional with certification from ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association). My primary objective is to assist you in establishing achievable goals and undergoing a remarkable transformation that will enhance your health and significantly improve your life. With my guidance, you can attain an appearance that reflects your optimal potential and experience a great sense of well-being. Throughout this process, I will ensure that you enjoy the journey and find fulfillment in your fitness endeavors.

In addition to my current certification, I am pursuing a degree in exercise science at Cleveland State University. By continuing to expand my knowledge in the field of fitness, I strive to provide you with the utmost level of expertise and excellence in service.

If you're ready to embark on a journey towards a healthier and stronger lifestyle, I am here to support you every step of the way. Feel free to reach out to me, and together, we will unlock your full potential.

Thank you for considering my services, and I eagerly await the opportunity to assist you in achieving your fitness goals.